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DeFelsko Products

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DeFelsko Instruments Logo
The Measure of Quality Since 1966

U.S. manufacturer of Coating Thickness Gages and Inspection Instruments, has been providing
Simple, Durable, and Accurate gages since 1965.


Testors include: Positector 6000, , Positector 200, Positector PC, 
Positest DFT, Positest F,  FM, G, GM and Powder Comb

surface profile

Testors Include: Positector SPG Surface Profile Gage,
and Positector RTR Replica Tape Reader


Testors include: Positector Dew Point Meter

salt contamination

Testors include: Positector SST Soluable Salt Tester

shore hardness durometers

Testors include: Positector SHD Shore Hardness Durometer

wall thickness

Testors include: Positector UTG Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge

Testors include: Positector GLS Gloss Meter

pinhole porosity

Testors include: Positest Dew Pinhole and Holiday Detectors

pull off adhesion tester
Testors include: Positest AT-M Manual and
AT-A Automatic Adhesion Testors

Oven Profile


Testors include: Positector OTL Oven Temperature Logger

Concrete moisture

Testors include: Positector CMM Concrete Moisture Meter

positector inspection kits

Testors include: Positector Inspection Kits for Ferrous and Non-Ferrous

Accuracy verification


Thickness standards, bluetooth printer, plastic shims, cases, probe extenders, AC power kits, Lens Shields, Polustyrene blocks, belt clips, stands, foot rings


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