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Hilman Rollers

Hilman Rollers
Manufacturers of Hilman Rollers since 1953 

For moving from 1 to 200 tons on hard level floor surfaces without a track. Choose from complete self-contained moving kits or individual Rollers with swivel, swivel-locking, or rigid tops or attachments. Steel chain Rollers are available for regular floors, nylon chain Rollers for delicate floors requiring protection. Steering handles and other accessories and many modifications are also available. When the load exceeds 100 tons, consider using a steel track instead of a concrete surface.

The OT/NT/T-Series Hilman Rollers are the no-frills type of rollers that, if necessary, can be easily modified a little or a lot, to custom suit your application.  They are typically used in semi-permanent and permanent type applications, with or without guidance; such as on a Die Transfer Cart or as bearing for a thermal expansion joint.  Standard designs can have one or more modifications added to them to create a unique product. 

OTB/NTB/TB Series Rollers are nearly identical to their OT/NT/TB counterparts with the main difference being the addition of two end-blocks on either end of the roller frame.  The end-blocks have a drilled and tapped hole pattern that allows for the addition of an external guidance system (Accu-Roll).  In many case, guidance systems can be interchanged.  Note that there are some dimensional differences in the top plate from the OT/NT/T counterparts.

 Wide Body Series Hilman Rollers

Extension of the OT/T/NT Series

WB (Wide Body) Series Hilman Rollers are an extension of the OT/T/NT Series mainly because of the design and top plate choices.  The main difference is that the WB Rollers are wider and shorter in overall length.  WB Series Hilman Rollers utilize two separate chains that provide a wider footprint.

All Hilman Rollers are rated in metric tons.
Nearly All Hilman Rollers can be used inverted with the load bearing plate below the contact surface.
All Standard Hilman Rollers carry at least a 1-year warranty against manufacturer’s defects.
All Hilman Rollers models have been tested and, under ideal conditions, maintain a coefficient of when under load better than 5%. 

Super Heavy Duty Series Hilman Rollers (SHD Series) are the highest capacity rollers that Hilman offers as standard models.  It is essentially an extension of the OT/NT/T Series in terms of top configurations and capacity.  SHD Series rollers range in capacity from 100-tons to 1000-tons.  There are several different models of 150-ton and 200-ton SHD models. 

By no means is 1000-tons the highest capacity roller we’ve ever made.  Presently the single most highest capacity Hilman Roller ever made is rated at 5000 metric tons.  If you have an application that requires the capacity of a single roller to be in excess of 1000 tons we encourage you to contact us to discuss the nature of your application in greater depth.

Hilman’s ERF Series Rollers are essentially the same rollers in our OT/T/NT Series Rollers, without any top plate.  This series allows users to weld their own top plate on or affix them to an existing steel structure (suggested for vertical loading only).  Hilman offers standard ERF Series Rollers up to 125-ton capacity

Turntables Much like the swivel attachments in the ERS Series, Hilman Turntables are an accessory designed to integrate with Hilman OT and NT Series Rollers in order to allow users to accomplish turns.  As well, custom Turntable assemblies can be designed and made for a variety of application for most any series of Hilman Rollers.  The Hilman XYS Series roller is really two rollers, mounted top plate to top plate, with a turntable between them.

Rocker Tops Hilman Rocker Tops are designed for integration with Hilman OT and NT Series Rollers in order to provide some degree of articulation.  Rocker Tops can be made custom for a variety of other rollers as well.


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