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M And B Mag Concrete Buckets And Accesso

In M&B MAG we are dedicated to manufacturing durable, efficient, competitively priced buckets and hoppers for hoisting and placing materials including concrete and aggregate. We offer both aluminum and steel buckets as well as wide range of concrete placing accessories.

Clients Throughout the World

M&B MAG concrete buckets are in use throughout the world. A few of the construction projects that have used are buckets are:

  • SkyDome, Toronto.
  • Confederation Bridge, Prince Edward Island.
  • Canary Wharf, England.
  • Atomic energy plants in the U.S.A.
  • Many of Canada's high-rise buildings.
  • High-rise buildings in Saudia Arabia.
  • Hydro-electric projects in Pakistan and Venezuela, Columbia and Spain.
M&B MAG concrete buckets (model LDS-55 - on the picture below) were used on the 12.9 km long Prince Edward Island Confederation Bridge -- the largest order in the history of North America for concrete buckets!


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