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DeFelsko Coating Thickness Gages

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DeFelsko Instruments Logo
The Measure of Quality Since 1966
U.S. manufacturer of Coating Thickness Gages and Inspection Instruments, has been providing
Simple, Durable, and Accurate gages since 1965.

positector 6000
Measures the thickness of coatings applied to all metal substrates (steel, aluminum and more).

PosiTest DFT
Economical coating thickness gauge measures paint and coatings on all metal substrates (steel, aluminum and more).

PosiTector 200
Dry film thickness gauge for non-destructive measurement of single or multiple layer coatings over wood, concrete, plastics, composites and more.

PosiTector PC
Measures uncured powder coatings using ultrasonic technology to automatically calculate and display a predicted cured thickness.

PosiTest F/FM/G/GM

Rugged mechanical dial-type mil gage. Measures coating thickness on ferrous (steel) substrates.

Powder Comb
Check powder thickness before curing to help insure correct cured coating thickness the first time through the line.


Coating thickness standards, Printers,  AC cables, Stands, Blocks, Posipen

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